Devil Bear and Friends

All the cool things I do with my family and friends.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Brother Blitzen

By Devil Bear
Photos by Mommy, Daddy and Me.

This is my little brother Blitzen. He was a gift to Daddy from Mommy's best friend. He is three years old.

Like me, Blitzen doesn't remember being born, but we're pretty sure it was just before Christmas. He came dressed for Winter.

At first it was hard having a new addition to the family. After all, it had always been me, Rainbow, Mommy and Daddy. I didn't want a brother. So I just pretended Blitzen was my dog.

It was Daddy's idea.

Mommy thought it was mean, but she went along until Daddy and I adjusted.

We couldn't understand him! We couldn't speak reindeer, and to us Blitzen sounded like Kenny on South Park!

But now we understand him fine, and Blitzen isn't my dog anymore. He's my brother, and I'm glad.

Blitzen is a reindeer - we think. At least he's named after one of Santa's eight reindeer. People often ask if Blitzen is a moose. If you ask him, he says he doesn't like labels.

But I have good reason to think he's a reindeer: Blitzen can fly! Sometimes when nobody's looking, he goes for a spin around the room.

Here's a rare shot I got one night of Blitzen flying around our Christmas tree while everyone was asleep.

He never flies in public, because he's shy about it. See, poor Blitzen can't land to save his life. It's because his antlers are lopsided. Rainbow and I finally got him to let us help. Here he is practicing.

Coming in...

See the pad...

Watch that angle!

Almost there...



Lucky for him he's floppy, so he never gets hurt!

Blitzen is mysteriously accident prone. When we're all sitting together at the end of the bed watching a movie, Blitzen sometimes falls off. Mommy ALWAYS cuddles him when this happens. I think he does it for attention. I think he jumps off the bed so Mommy will pick him up!

During his terrible two's Blitzen was a real pain. He was always jumping around and kissing everybody and sometimes it made me mad. Even Rainbow would growl at him. Mommy said he was just being affectionate. But now he doesn't act so silly all the time.

Here he is in a tranquil Buddist moment, enjoying a stream.

Blitzen is my pal and we go everywhere together with Rainbow, Mommy and Daddy. We've been to places like the San Diego Zoo, Yosemite National Park, Zion National Park, Griffith Park, Switzer Falls, and Point Dume on Malibu Beach.

Here we are at Joshua Tree. Blitzen saw a rabbit and looked away right as Daddy snapped the picture.

He's easily distracted.

Sometimes we all go out to eat. Here we are at the Dish restaurant in La CaƱada near Switzer Falls. Daddy took advantage of the dramatic lighting.

Mostly Blitzen is a big ham. He's always making us laugh. Here he is being goofy for the camera.

Since Blitzen and I both have horns, we have a special bond. But he never makes me feel bad that his horns are bigger.

He's the best brother a bear could have!

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