Hi. My name is Devil Bear and this is my blog. I am four years old. I don't remember being born, but I remember the first day I was alive. That was the day my daddy brought me home from the store. He said that when he saw me there he knew I was special. It was Mommy's birthday, and he bought me for her, along with some flowers. Her birthday is right before Valentines Day, and I was dressed up for that day. I had a box of chocolate on my hand, and a gold heart around my neck. Mommy says it's not my real heart. She says my real heart's inside me, and in how I treat other people. I also have a heart at the end of my tail, but that's not my real heart either. It's just my tail.
When Mommy saw me, she knew my name right away, and I was Devil Bear from that day on. And that's how I was born.